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BACT/ALERT® Culture Media

Innovative & Optimized Culture Media

BACT/ALERT® culture media offers a comprehensive range of media bottles to ensure the recovery of a wide variety of microorganisms including bacteria, mycobacteria, and fungi – including our next generation Fastidious Antimicrobial Neutralization Plus media (FAN® PLUS) offering optimized time to detection and recovery. 


Disclaimer: Product availability varies by country. Please consult your local bioMérieux representative for availability in your country.


Flexible Media Delivers Reliable Recovery

BACT/ALERT® Culture Media provide an optimal environment for microbial growth, enabling detection and recovery of a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and mycobacteria. Flexible media recovers organisms from many sample types from blood to sterile body fluids.

BACT/ALERT® Culture Media offer:

  • Enhanced performance: optimal growth for fast and accurate results
  • Prioritize safety & risk reduction: shatterproof plastic bottles
  • Two bottle types: streamlined workflow with only two bottle types (aerobic and anaerobic) needed for microorganism detection in blood infections
  • 24-hour delayed entry: flexible bottle management & transport
  • Colorimetric technology: a visual growth indicator with a noticeable & permanent color change, for more predictable & stable results
  • Fill-to marks: guide optimal blood volume collection

FAN® PLUS Media: Optimized Time to Detection and Recovery

Our next generation Fastidious Antimicrobial Neutralization Plus media (FAN® PLUS) offers optimized time to detection and recovery. FAN® PLUS bottles provide even clearer Gram stains and new Adsorbent Polymeric Beads offer antimicrobial neutralization.

Optimized Microorganism Recovery

  • Reformulated media provide a robust environment that encourages microbial growth for bacteria and yeasts
  • Effective organism growth in blood and sterile body fluids
  • Growth performance guidelines under delayed entry conditions

Optimized Time to Detection

  • Effective antimicrobial neutralization provides better environment for organism growth and detection


Standard Media

Our standard media recovers microorganisms from many sample types, including blood and sterile body fluids.

Bottle TypeMedia FormulationSpecimen TypeSpecimen Volume
BACT/ALERT® SA Standard Aerobic - Ref. 25978940 ml supplemented tryptic soy broth (TSB)Blood or normally sterile body fluid (SBF)Up to 10 ml
BACT/ALERT® SN Standard Anaerobic - Ref. 25979040 ml TSBBlood or SBFUp to 10 ml

Fastidious Antimicrobial Neutralization Plus Media (FAN® PLUS)

Offering optimized time to detection and recovery, the FAN® PLUS bottles provide even clearer Gram stains and the new absorbent polymeric beads offer antimicrobial neutralization.

Bottle TypeMedia FormulationSpecimen TypeSpecimen Volume
BACT/ALERT® FA PLUS - Ref. 41085130 ml of supplemented complex media containing adsorbent polymeric beads Blood or normally sterile body fluid (SBF)Up to 10 ml
BACT/ALERT® FN PLUS - Ref. 41085240 ml of supplemented complex media containing adsorbent polymeric beadsBlood or SBFUp to 10 ml
BACT/ALERT® PF PLUS - Ref. 41085330 ml of supplemented complex media containing adsorbent polymeric beads BloodUp to 4 ml

Mycobacterium Media

Bottle TypeMedia FormulationSpecimen TypeSpecimen Volume

BACT/ALERT® MP Mycobacteria Process - Ref. 419744

Use with Ref. 414997

10 ml supplemented Middlebrook 7H9 brothProcessed specimen or SBF other than blood0.5 ml

Platelet QC Testing

Bottle TypeMedia FormulationSpecimen TypeSpecimen Volume
BACT/ALERT® BPA Aerobic Platelet culture bottles - Ref. 279018 or EU Ref. 27904440 ml supplemented tryptic soy broth (TSB)Leukocyte reduced apheresis platelet (LRAP) units, and both leukocyte reduced single and a pool of up to six (6) units of leukocyte reduced whole blood platelet concentrates (LRWBPC)4-10 ml
BACT/ALERT® BPN Anaerobic Platelet culture bottles - Ref. 279019 or EU Ref. 27904540 ml supplemented tryptic soy broth (TSB)Leukocyte reduced apheresis platelet (LRAP) units, and both leukocyte reduced single and a pool of up to six (6) units of leukocyte reduced whole blood platelet concentrates (LRWBPC)Up to 10 ml

Accessories and Devices

Blood Collection

SampLok® Adapter Cap 3 - Ref: A100760Screw tread for luer and blood collection needle collection600 per case

SampLok® Adapter Cap 3 Insert - Ref: A100761

To be used with Ref: A100760

Optional insert for use with vacuum tubes and long-neck culture bottles840 per case
VACUETTE® Blood Culture Holder - Ref: 450181Neck design accommodates evacuated tubes without the need for an insert (female threaded luer)320 per case

 Post-analytic Devices

Sterile Airway Needle - Ref: 233766For venting aerobic blood culture bottles & subculturing blood culture bottles100 per case
SampLok® Safety SubCulture Unit - Ref: A100720Transfer measured samples using needleless syringe360 per case
SampLok® Safety SubCulture Unit 2 - Ref: A100722Needleless transfer onto slides or media plates288 per case
Transfer Cap Set - Ref: A100730Transfer from culture bottle to vacuum tube180 per case

Services & Support

  • Hands-on training course
  • Unlimited technical phone support
  • Any other service and support currently available

Specs & Resources


bioMérieux was the first to introduce revolutionary multilayer plastic bottles. Made of unique polycarbonate material, their triple-layer design ensures the appropriate environment for recovery of microorganisms. 

  • Shatter-resistant bottles reduce potential for biohazard exposure
  • Up to 2/3 lighter than glass
  • Cost-effective storage, shipping, and disposal
  • Multi-layer, gas-impermeable design maintains aerobic or anaerobic environments
  • Adapt to a variety of protocols and enable pneumatic transport without a special container
